Jan. 2, 2024

We've Spent 4 Years Testing Episode Titles. Here's What Works.

We've Spent 4 Years Testing Episode Titles. Here's What Works.

Ready to learn how to title your podcast episodes to attract and engage new listeners so you can create an addictive podcast experience people can't stop raving about? Hit play and let’s dive in.

Have you ever spent hours planning a podcast episode that you KNOW is packed with value, but it gets less than <100 downloads when you publish it? (Frustrating, right?)

In this episode, we’re breaking down the subconscious triggers that make listeners hit play — and why your episode titles matter more than you think they do.

Ready to learn how to title your podcast episodes to attract and engage new listeners so you can create an addictive podcast experience people can't stop raving about? Hit play and let’s dive in.

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